Before You Start
Employee Onboarding Checklist. A guide for new employees and their managers

Things to do before the first day
An effective onboarding process, prepares the new hire for the first day and this process of onboarding starts from the moment the candidate accepts the offer.
Companies provide a preview and flavour of things at work and take care of paperwork, prior to joining. Some of the best practices includes
1. Contact the new hire
- Confirm whether the new hire has received the offer letter.
- Confirm Date of Joining.
- Communicate location details of office along with accommodation details.
- Clarify any doubts with regard to organisation, policies, culture, dress code etc.
- Remind new hire to bring the necessary documents on the date of joining.
- Arrange for general requirements including hardware, tools and related needs of new hire.
2. Keep the paperwork ready
- Keep the paperwork ready with all the forms prior to the employee's first day. Begin by recording the employee's basic information such as name, address, contact information.
- Keep the most important forms ready such as I-9. W4, Direct deposit and Tax forms.
3. Account Creation
- Setup the new hire email account configured with Company Email and password.
- Setup official new hire phone connection.
- Create accounts on all official social channels.
- Provide Access to employee portal.
4. Provide access for the new hire to complete and submit paperwork and compliance related forms
5. Send a copy of the employee handbook
6. Get the new hire ready for the first day
- Provide details including the “when, where and how” of reporting to work. This could include even the office dress code, parking instructions, other unofficial norms at works.
- Indicate any material that must be brought to work to complete paperwork.
- Describe the first day/ week itinerary.
7. Prepare Employee’s Work station
- Prepare the new hire’s work station with all the tools in place, ready and available.
- Assign a buddy at work for the new hire, and brief that employee of his role.
- Inform team members and other stakeholders of new hire joining details, and get them on board in making the new employee feel welcome.