The Stages of Employee Onboarding

1. Preboarding (Before the first day): 

The preboarding stage starts after the candidate has signed their job offer letter.  

Before the employee officially joins the office, you can send an informative email or an introductory welcome video to them. 

2. Orientation (The first day): 

The first day or the Orientation Day of the candidate is all about them experiencing the workplace environment. Greet and welcome the employee and let one of their teammates guide them around the workplace and provide them with all the necessary information and introduce them with their colleagues.  

3. The first week: 

During the first week, the employee continues to understand the team, the company, and their role.  

The employee develops a greater understanding of the tools and software that they might have to use in the workplace. The employee’s reporting manager must conduct repeated meetings with the employee to evaluate how they are settling in and to formulate a plan to evaluate the new hire’s progress. 

4. The first 90 days: 

The new hire’s reporting manager and an HR professional should assist the employees by helping them set intelligent 30, 60, and 90-day goals that align with both the organization’s long-term goals and the employee’s professional development goals. 

5. The first year: 

After a year’s experience with the company, a meeting must be conducted with the employee to take their feedback and to evaluate their performance. Also, you can introduce them to your development programs and ask about their career ambitions.  

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