A Guide to Filling the New Form I-9 (2023 Edition)

Introduction In 2023, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) introduced an updated version of Form I-9, the Employment Eligibility Verification form. This form is a crucial document that employers use to verify the identity and employment authorization of individuals hired for employment in the United States. In this blog post, we will provide […]
New Updated Form I-9: What Employers Need to Know

USCIS Notice: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (“USCIS”) published formal notice of a new simplified, streamlined, and shortened Form I-9 effective August 1, 2023. While employers may continue to use the current version through October 31, 2023, fines will be levied if the new Form is not used (for both new hires and re-verifications) […]
USCIS Will Issue Redesigned Green Cards and Employment Authorization Documents
USCIS Will Issue Redesigned Green Cards and Employment Authorization Documents On April 19, USCIS announced it was redesigning the Permanent Resident Card (also known as a Green Card) and the Employment Authorization Document (EAD) as part of the Next Generation Secure Identification Document Project. USCIS will begin issuing the new cards on May 1, 2017. […]
New E-Verify Service Combats Fraud, Protects Identity, Educates Workers
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Director León Rodríguez announced the launch of myE-Verify—a new website designed for employees. myE-Verify is a one-stop shop for employees to create and maintain secure personal accounts and access new features for identity protection. “Since its inception, E-Verify has provided employees with valuable online tools and resources regarding the employment […]
New Vignettes Released to Make I-9 Completion Easier
USCIS just released three short video vignettes for employees and employers that demonstrate how to complete the Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9. Watch the new Form I-9 videos and learn how to complete Sections 1, 2, and 3. Each vignette walks the viewer through the key steps in four minutes or less. Here’s a synopsis […]
Half a Million Companies Now Participate in E-Verify
SMore than 500,000 companies now use E-Verify, the free online service that allows United States employers to confirm their new employees’ eligibility to work. “Since it was established, E-Verify has experienced exponential growth, increased accuracy and high customer-satisfaction ratings,” said Lori Scialabba, Acting Director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). “Participation in E-Verify is […]
USCIS to expand E-Verify Access to Mobiles
USCIS is planning on expanding their E-Verify reach from websites to mobile phones. A listening session is scheduled on Wednesday, December 18, 2013, from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. (Eastern) to discuss the future of E-Verify mobile access. In addition to participating in this session, we encourage you to share your ideas and feedback on […]
USCIS Invites Comments to Change ‘SelfCheck’ to ‘myEverify’
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) invites the general public and other Federal agencies to comment upon this proposed revision of a currently approved collection of information. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) invites the general public and other Federal agencies to comment […]
New Security Enhancement Helps E-Verify Deter Employee Fraud
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Director Alejandro Mayorkas todayannounced an enhancement to the E-Verify program that will help combat identity fraud by identifying and deterring fraudulent use of Social Security numbers (SSNs) for employment eligibility verification. This enhancement provides a critical safeguard to the E-Verify system by detecting and preventing potential fraudulent use of SSNs to gain […]